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Tips & Tricks

Here are some tips to help you get a little more out of Countdown Calendar.

View countdowns by day, week, month, or year.

Did you know you can click on the little calendar picture to modify the countdown's "units" (i.e., day, month, week, year)? Now you do.

Mail countdowns to friends.

Send a countdown to someone via's easy! Edit a countdown, then scroll down to the bottom of the details screen. Click on "Email countdown..." and Mail will be launched. Type in the email address of the person(s) you want to send the countdown to, hit Send...that's it! (In case they don't yet own Countdown Calendar, they'll still be able to see the date; they'll also be given a link to where they can download the app.)

Download countdowns from the online repository.

Click on "Find Others" to download from the Countdown Repository. Get countdowns to the premieres of top movies, TV shows, sporting name it!

Make a suggestion.

Have an idea for a new feature? Contact for technical support, suggestions, anything.

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